Thursday, July 13, 2017

Jumong Episode 67

After finding out the difficult condition of Lady Yoo Hwa, Lady Yesoya and Jumong's young child Yuri, So Seo No secretly requested a royal guard to bring silk for them.  Inside one of the silk cloth, she inserted the map of the secret passageway leading out of the palace.  Upon seeing an opportunity, the two women along with the young Yuri seek out the secret passageway and tried to sneak out from the palace.

Lady Yoo Hwa used the excuse of going to the divination palace to pray.  But their escape was discovered when King Geumwa suddenly decided to visit Lady Yoo Hwa  and discovered she was not in her chambers.  Thus, suspecting she and Lady Yesoya with Yuri were gone.  King Geumwa ordered to search for them.

In order to confuse those who were chasing them, Lady yoo Hwa decided to let Lady Yesoya and Yuri to continue on the escape trail as she lure away the palace guards.  As soon as Lady Yesoya and Yuri got asecured distance, Lady Yoo Hwa turned back towards the palace guards and let her be captured instead.  She was then returned to the palace and face King Geumwa's wrath.  Angered by her act, King Geumwa in a spur of fury unknowingly slashed and critically wounded Lady Yoo Hwa and died on the spot.

Due to over exhaustion and poor health, the escaping Lady Yesoya, fell unconscious on the hillside of their escape trail, leaving the child Yuri crawl to her and cried.  Due to Yuri's crying, Lady Yesoya, found enoug strength to continue their escape.  The passing caravan of Master Hwang, a Han nobility who was on his way to Hyeon-to city helped Lady Yesoya and Yuri thinking she was a widowed refugee with fatherless child escaping starvation in Buyeo.

Meanwhile in Jolbon, the Damul army is all set for war.  Oh Yi reported to Jumong the sad event that happened to his mother, Lady Yoo Hwa, Lady Yesoya and Yuri.  That they were killed after trying to escape from the palace.

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